What Is Consideration in Contract Law Uk

When entering into a contract, there are several elements that must be present for it to be legally binding. One of those elements is consideration. In contract law, consideration refers to something of value that is given by one party to another in exchange for something else. Consideration can take various forms, such as money, goods, services, or promises.

In the United Kingdom, consideration is an essential requirement for a contract to be valid. It is defined as “the price for which the promise of the other is bought” (Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v Selfridge & Co Ltd [1915] AC 847), which means that it is the exchange of something of value that makes the contract enforceable.

Consideration must be provided by both parties to the contract. This means that if only one party is giving consideration, the contract is not valid. For example, if you promise to give your friend a gift for no reason, it is not legally binding because there is no consideration from your friend in exchange for your promise.

Another requirement for consideration in contract law UK is that it must be sufficient but need not be adequate. This means that the value of the consideration does not necessarily have to be equal to the value of what is being promised in exchange. However, it must be of some value, no matter how small. For example, if you promise to sell your car for £1, the consideration is still sufficient because it has some value, even if it is not an adequate amount for the car.

Consideration must also be real and not illusory. This means that it must be something tangible that can be objectively measured, rather than just a subjective promise or opinion. For example, if you promise to use your best efforts to promote someone`s business, it is not considered real consideration because it is not objectively measurable.

Finally, consideration must not be past. This means that it cannot be something that has already been given or done before the contract was made. For example, if you promise to pay your friend for work they have already done for you, it is not valid consideration because it is a past event.

In conclusion, consideration is an essential element of contract law in the UK. It is the exchange of something of value between parties that makes the contract legally binding. To be valid, consideration must be provided by both parties, be sufficient but need not be adequate, be real, and not be a past event. Understanding the role of consideration in contract law can help you to avoid legal disputes and ensure that your contracts are enforceable.
